A Sweet and Simple Year in Preschool
This 26 week curriculum for ages 3-5 is designed to be simple, flexible, and affordable for families.
It's inspired by the Charlotte Mason philosophy of presenting good, true, and beautiful things to our children. Each week is based on a living picture book, with a variety of activities rotating throughout the year: art, music, crafts, phonics, poetry, music, outside play, practical life skills, recipes, and more!

My vision for this curriculum is that it will be an aid to families who may be homeschooling older children but want to be purposeful in playful, joyful learning with their preschoolers. It's designed to be flexible, with a checklist for each week, so that you can pick and choose which activities to complete. My hope is that this will be an affordable option for families as well! Books can be borrowed from the library or read online for free! Supplies needed are simple household supplies and craft items.

Who was Charlotte Mason?
Charlotte Mason was a British educator from the late 1800s/early 1900s. She believed that young children should have a quiet, growing time in the early years where they learn to love nature, develop good habits, and have their minds and imaginations fed by good, true, and beautiful things such as poetry, artwork, music, and living books. Her writings have resurfaced over the years and many homeschool families have thrived using her gentle methods that instill a love of learning into their children.

What's Included?
This preschool curriculum includes a 32 page Teacher's Guide with:
master list of books for the year
supply lists for each week
directions for art and phonics games
recommended reads for mom
habit training posters and information
tips for read alouds and Bible reading
information on the Charlotte Mason philosophy
printing guide
book tracker activity
26 weeks organized by letters A-Z. Each week includes:
a living picture book to read
a phonics activity
an outside play prompt
a Bible passage, story, or activity
a rotation between picture study using fine art and games, music, crafts, practical life skills, recipes, math, geography, poetry, and more
Each week includes any art prints, recipes, or games with directions. Occasional household supplies or snack recommendations are listed in the supply lists.

Have your child keep track of the books you read throughout the year with mini books and a bookshelf included in the curriculum!